Industrialization is an important pillar for the economic development of the country. For the continuation and development of industrialization, gradual increase in production and productivity is absolutely necessary and safe work and working conditions are the complete basis for increasing production and productivity. In view of the need to develop the promotion and protection of safe work and working conditions in industrial establishments as a complementary basic aspect of industrial business, the then government of His Majesty established the "Occupational Safety and Health Project" in the year 2052 and this project was approved by the Government of Nepal (Cabinet) dated 2075. According to the decision of 03.32, a permanent organizational structure has been accepted from 1st Shravan 2075 to remain as a business safety and health center. In order to effectively operate the purposeful programs of the center, the basic infrastructure of buildings, laboratories, libraries, training rooms and training materials have been prepared and implemented. There is a library with a collection of books and training materials necessary for basic knowledge about occupational safety and health. There are three laboratories (Chemical, Health and Mechanical) with the basic equipment required for workplace monitoring and measurement. It has its own building with 33 rooms, including a training room equipped with the necessary equipment for conducting the training program, in Lalitpur, Sambu.

Er. Prashant Kumar Shrestha
Mobile. 9851325314

From the point of view of occupational safety and health, the implementation of legal provisions for the improvement of the workplace and work environment is one aspect, while advice and consulting services for the necessary improvements are another important aspect
From the point of view of occupational safety and health, the implementation of legal provisions for the improvement of the workplace and work environment is one aspect, while advice and consulting services for the necessary improvements are another important aspect
From the point of view of occupational safety and health, the implementation of legal provisions for the improvement of the workplace and work environment is one aspect, while advice and consulting services for the necessary improvements are another important aspect
- August 6, 2022
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